The 42nd Passion Play will take place from 16 May to 4 October 2020 and is expected to attract around 450,000 visitors from all over the world. Please book your hotel room in good time.
The Passion Plays date back to a vow taken in 1633 and are considered one of the most important religious and cultural events in Germany. 102 performances are planned for the next Passion Play. The Passionstheater in Oberammergau has around 4,500 seats, making it the largest open-air stage with a covered auditorium in the world. Oberammergau is expecting around 450,000 visitors from all over the world in 2020.
The Passion Plays date back to a vow taken in 1633 and are considered one of the most important religious and cultural events in Germany. 102 performances are planned for the next Passion Play. The Passionstheater in Oberammergau has around 4,500 seats, making it the largest open-air stage with a covered auditorium in the world. Oberammergau is expecting around 450,000 visitors from all over the world in 2020.
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